pet shop

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pet shop

更新时间:2024-05-14 01:27:23

英 [pet ʃɔp]

美 [pɛt ʃɑp]

pet shop基本解释



  • 英英释义
  • 网络解释


1. a shop where pet animals can be purchased

1. 宠物店:宠物店(pet shop)是专门为宠物提供宠物用品零售、宠物美容、宠物寄养、宠物活体销售的场所. 有时宠物店又等同于宠物用品店、宠物美容店、宠物寄存、宠物医院等.

2. 宠物商店:48 Baby shop婴儿用品店 | 49 Pet shop宠物商店 | 50 Real estate shop房地产中介

3. 宠物商店 ---颇特学仆:fruit stand 水果摊 --腐乳特是丹的- | pet shop 宠物商店 ---颇特学仆 | need 需要--你的

  • 临近词
If you saw this message back then, you might have thought Mr. Dorsey was starting a pet shop that specialized in exotic birds.(如果在当时看到这条信息,你可能会以为多尔西打算开始经营一家以奇特的小鸟为特色的宠物商店。)
One pet shop worker was given goldfish in lieu of money and 2 workers at a fashion store complained when they were paid in clothing.(一家宠物商店把金鱼代替工资发给雇员,而两名服装店的服务员在领取工资的时候拿到的却是店里的衣服。)
"You see, " said the veterinarian "Pet shop puppies do not come from ethical breeders.(兽医说:“宠物店的幼狗不是起源于有道德的滋生者。)
Like puppies trapped in a cage in the window of a pet shop, they are addicted to the interest you show in them.(男人就像宠物商店橱窗里的小狗狗一样,很好糊弄的。)
An old man walked into a pet shop one day with a large and very ugly dog.(有一天,一家宠物店里来了一位老先生,手里牵着一条大狗。)
After the old companion was gone, the old man felt very lonely. He took friends' advice and went to a pet shop to buy a baby dog.(老伴走了以后,这个人非常寂寞,他接受了朋友的劝告,去宠物店买了一只小狗。)
I got to play with one at a pet shop before and I was surprised by their friendliness and playfulness.(我得到发挥,与一在宠物店前,我很惊讶他们的友善和游戏。)
Assume that you are working at a pet shop, which keeps information on the pets in an XML file.(假设您在一家宠物商店工作,要在一个XML文件中记录关于宠物的信息。)
Mrs. Tibbs, who runs a pet shop on the family farm, gives the macaques a weekly bath, changes their nappies, and dresses them up in tiny outfits.(迪波斯太太目前在家庭农场上经营一家宠物店,她每周都要给猕猴们洗澡、换尿布,还给它们穿迷你制服。)
As the Pet Shop Boys once said, I was never bored because I was never being boring "or something similar."(就像宠物店店员说得那样,我从不觉得枯燥因为我从来没有遇到枯燥的事情。)
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